Best Twitter Accounts
Twitter Accounts
Twitter Accounts
Content Excellence
Content Excellence
  1. @simonsinek Simon Sinek, motivational speaker and author is known for his leadership insights and the importance of finding your "why." His tweets are often about inspiring leadership, work cultures, and personal development.
  2. @BreneBrown- Brene is a professor of research who has dedicated her career to studying courage, shame and empathy. Her account can be a great source of inspiration when it comes to personal development and embracing vulnerabilities.
  3. @GaryVee Gary Vaynerchuk, an entrepreneur, speaker, and motivational expert, shares his advice on hard work, hustle and the mindset required to succeed in life and business.
  4. @ElizabethGilbert Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, shares her insights on creativity, overcoming fear, and living a life filled with passion.
  5. @TimFerriss Tim Ferriss, known for "The 4-Hour Workweek", shares tips and tricks on personal efficiency, lifestyle design and productivity.
  6. @MelRobbins Mel Robbins shares practical advice for living a more empowered and motivated life.
  7. @TonyRobbins Tony Robbins, a business strategist and life coach, tweets about finance, personal development and inner strength.
  8. @MarieForleo Marie Forleo, a motivational speaker and entrepreneur. Her tweets are centered around creating the life that you want, overcoming challenges, and making a positive difference.
  9. @jayshetty Jay Shetty is a former monk turned motivational speaker and podcast host. He shares wisdom on mindfulness, relationships, and purpose.
  10. @mindvalley Mindvalley is an organization focused on education and personal growth. They share insights from authors and speakers about spirituality, productivity, health and more.
The Best Twitter Accounts to Inspire You
The Best Twitter Accounts to Inspire You
  1. @AdamMGrant Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist and Wharton professor is known for his insights into work psychology, leadership skills, and ways to make work enjoyable. He offers thought-provoking insights on personal effectiveness and organizational practices.
  2. @IndraNooyi Indra Nooyi shares her vast leadership and management experience, as well as how to navigate the complexity of managing a global corporation. Her insight is invaluable for aspiring leadership.
  3. @ThisIsSethsBlog Seth Godin, author, marketer, and entrepreneur. Seth Godin's tweets are often about marketing, work and making an impact.
  4. @bhorowitz Ben Horowitz is a cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz(a16z), an investment firm that focuses on private venture capital. He offers insight into the latest technology trends, entrepreneurial challenges, and startup building.
  5. @sherylsandberg Sheryl Sandberg is the COO and founder of LeanIn.Org and Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook. She shares her perspectives on leadership and tech industry trends. She also discusses empowering women at work.
  6. @ReidHoffman Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn, an influential venture investor, shares his views on startups, scaling up businesses and the future of working.
  7. @ValaAfshar Vala Afshar is the Chief Digital Strategist for Salesforce. She tweets about the intersection between technology and business, digital transformation and customer experience.
  8. @ariannahuff – Arianna Huffington is the founder of The Huffington Post, Thrive Global and The Huffington Post. She focuses on leadership, productivity, and well-being at work.
  9. @BillGates Bill Gates offers insights into technology, climate change and global health. He also shares his recommendations for books and resources to help with professional and personal development.
  10. @SusanCain Susan Cain is the author of Quiet, a book that offers unique insights on leadership, teamwork and productivity. She focuses in particular on introversion and extroverts at work.
Best Twitter Accounts for Professional Insights
Best Twitter Accounts for Professional Insights
  1. @HarvardBiz- Harvard Business Review offers articles and insights about management, leadership, and navigating business challenges. It is a must follow for anyone who is interested in the nuanced aspects of business strategy.
  2. @Inc- Inc. offers news, advice, and resources to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and business leaders, with a focus on how they can start, grow, and lead their businesses more effectively.
  3. @FastCompany Fast Company provides insights on innovation and technology with an emphasis on how they intersect to shape a business' future.
  4. @Forbes Forbes is the leading source of reliable business and financial news, covering personal finances, technology, markets, and leadership.
  5. @GuyKawasaki Guy Kawasaki shares his wisdom about innovation, entrepreneurship, and how to impress customers.
  6. @garyvee Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial businessman and CEO of VaynerMedia. He offers unfiltered advice about marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship.
  7. @richardbranson Sir Richard Branson shares his entrepreneurial journey, insights, and advice on leadership, business, and how to live life fully.
  8. @tferriss Tim Ferriss explores productivity tips, time management and lifestyle design that can change the way you look at business and your life.
  9. @sama – Sam Altman, former president of Y Combinator and CEO of OpenAI, shares his insights on technology trends, startup cultures, and the future.
  10. @levie Aaron Levie, CEO at Box, tweets often about enterprise software, cloud computing and the cultural aspects involved in running a tech firm, with a funny twist.
Best Twitter Accounts for Business
Best Twitter Accounts for Business
  1. @ylecun Yann LeCun is a computer scientist and the father of convolutional networks. He shares his insights on AI research. He is the Chief Artificial Intelligence Scientist at Meta and a Professor at NYU.
  2. @AndrewYNg Andrew Ng is a prominent figure within the AI education and research field. He tweets frequently about AI advancements and education.
  3. @goodfellow_ian- Ian Goodfellow shares his thoughts about AI research, deep learning and related technology trends.
  4. @drfeifei Fei-Fei Li is a Stanford University professor and co-director at Stanford's Human-Centered AI Institute. She tweets about AI, ethics and policy with a focus on human-centered AI.
  5. @demishassabis Demis Hassabis is the co-founder and CEO at DeepMind. He offers his perspective on AI's achievements, progress, and potential to solve complex scientific issues.
  6. @katecrawford Kate Crawford, a researcher and author who focuses on the social implications AI, data and machine learning have on society, tweets about its impact on ethics and society.
  7. @etzioni Oren Etzioni shares information about AI research, news and ethical considerations. He provides a balanced perspective on AI's challenges and progress.
  8. @hardmaru David Ha, an AI researcher who explores the intersection of AI with creativity and art, shares his innovative projects and insights on neural networks, deep learning, and generative modeling.
  9. @fchollet Francois Chollet is the creator of Keras, a Google AI researcher and a Twitter about deep learning, AI and technology ethics. He offers critical perspectives on AI development.
  10. @OpenAI OpenAI, a research lab in AI, tweets about its latest research, publications and initiatives to ensure that artificial intelligence is beneficial to all humanity.
Best Twitter Accounts for AI
Best Twitter Accounts for AI

Michelle Bennett

SEO Specialist
At TweetGrok, I thrive as an SEO Specialist, dedicated to mastering search engine dynamics to boost our product's visibility and impact. My expertise spans keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO. I'm committed to devising and executing innovative SEO strategies that not only improve search rankings but also foster meaningful connections with our audience. My data-driven approach ensures our digital presence stands out, engaging and valuable. Embracing continuous learning, I adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape, sharing insights with the SEO community. My goal is to leverage search engines to further TweetGrok's innovation and success.